Help Rebecca Lavrenz with January 6th Related Expenses
*Any and all posts/updates to this website, during Rebecca Lavrenz's 6 month internet ban, will be done by Jennifer Lavrenz
J6 Praying Great-Grandma Guilty on ALL four Misdemeanor Charges
Day 9 of Trial: 4/4/2024. Apx. 3:00 PM. Guilty on all four misdemeanor charges.
Day 8 of Trial: 4/3/2024. No verdict today. Back at 9:00 AM tomorrow.
Day 7 of Trial: 4/2/2024. No verdict today. Back at 9:00 AM tomorrow.
Day 6 of Trial: 4/1/2024.
In the Jury’s Hands. I took the stand this morning just before 9:30 AM and ended a little after 2:00 PM. My voice in the courtroom today was a voice for all of us and I said everything that could have been said. Now we wait for the verdict from the jurors… it’s in their hands.
Day 5 of Trial: 3/29/2024.
It was a very long, and you might say trying, day in the courthouse (no pun intended). There was objection after objection from the prosecution, due to new evidence produced by my legal team which the prosecution was not too happy about. Needless to say, we ran out of time for me to take the witness stand. But I'll be fresh on Monday and I'm better in the morning anyway. The jurors will have had time to have their hearts and minds cleansed and refreshed from the chaos of this past week, and those who celebrate Resurrection Sunday will be reminded "...for this purpose was the son of God manifest to destroy the works of the evil one" (1 John 3:8).
Day 4 of Trial: 3/28/2024.
I just got done going over things with my legal team after a long day of hearing "objection!" from the U.S. government. They didn't want us to be heard over 3 years ago and they haven't changed their minds yet. But that will not stop the truth from being known... “For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.” — Psalm 100:5
My 3 witnesses, including Jennifer, did such an awesome job today. I felt so honored with their testimonies!
Day 3 of Trial: 3/27/2024.
I must admit I was feeling a bit nervous knowing that I might have a lot thrown at me from the prosecution and their witnesses who would be testifying this morning. It just feels wrong and violating to watch someone try so hard to make you look evil for doing what you know is the right thing when you feel stolen from, when you know you're doing it out of love for your country and not hate or malice toward anyone. I reminded myself though of what I've learned over the years, that I can't have joy and hate in my heart at the same time, so I decided to opt for joy. It sure makes me sleep a lot better at night! However, I will say, it did get a little old listening to the prosecuting attorney point to a person in a little yellow circle on a video and ask the witness to describe the person. Hard not to smile inside being described as, "the lady with the red scarf, white hat and the little 'squiggly things' on her head!" Not where's Waldo, but where's Rebecca Lavrenz??"
Day 2 of Trial: 3/26/2024.
This pretty well sums up the day from my daughter Laura, "Mom, when this is all over we're going to write a book and go to law school TOGETHER!!!"
It's interesting how it feels being in a trial where I'm accused of criminal activity and called a "rioter" by the United States of America ...."my country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty" ...while being shown on a screen 1/2 the day, along with 14 jurors, video footage of thousands of people waving their American flags and shouting U.S.A.!
Day 1 of Trial: 3/25/2024.
Jury selection took all day, with final selection and instructions from the judge completed at 5:20 PM. The jurors will be sworn in tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM when trial begins, and then the prosecution will present their evidence and witnesses with cross examination by my legal team, John Pierce and Roger Roots. Please pray for them as well as the jury!
My Mission in life is to know God and make Him and His ways known, with a vision of restoring our nation back to God’s original intent and that of our founding colonists, declared in the words of the 1607 First Landing Covenant.
“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jes
My Mission in life is to know God and make Him and His ways known, with a vision of restoring our nation back to God’s original intent and that of our founding colonists, declared in the words of the 1607 First Landing Covenant.
“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all Generations, as long as the Earth remains, and may this Land…be Evangelist to the World.”
I am a God loving, praying mom, grandmother, and great-grandmother who loves my country, family, and the things that are on God's heart. I count my life as no longer mine, but God's, which has lead me to the situation I now find myself in.
Driven by a life long passion for truth, driving twenty-five hours to our US Capitol in January of 2021, to stand with 100s of 1000s of fellow patriots who also agreed that something just wasn't right in the 2020 Presidential Election was not a tough decision.
I went to Washington, D.C. believing God had chosen me for this assignment to pray and put action to my faith, not knowing He would also lead me to carry His presence into the Capitol building itself on January 6 to reconfirm the covenant which was set forth in the year 1620 by our pilgrim forefathers, that this country was established "...for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith."
Because of the stand I took, I am now facing a legal battle on charges filed against me for which I need your help financially. If you feel led to contribute toward this battle, remember that we are in this together for God, our children, grandchildren, and generations to come.
God put us on this planet for a purpose and to make a difference for good! YOU have a part to play, so take courage and do that which God leads you to do, not only here with your finances but in your own sphere of influence. All of us working together CAN and WILL make a difference!! As the statesman Edmund Burke said, "All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
Fighting for TRUTH and LIBERTY: Praying Grandmother in Need of Financial Support for Federal Legal Battle.
Days before Christmas 2022, Rebecca Lavrenz was summoned to federal court in Denver, Colorado to be arrested on four alleged charges against the USA for being let into the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. All four charges are federal misdemeanors which could carry up to $210,000 in fines and one year in prison.
Rebecca's first federal court hearing was on December 29, 2022. She has declined to take the prosecution's plea offer and her legal fees alone could reach up to $100,000.
Her pretrial appearance will be held on March 20, 2024 at 10:30am before United State States Magistrate Judge Zia M. Faruqui. Trial will begin on March 25, 2024 at 9:30am with jury selection and possibly take the whole week.
It was a bitter 14 degrees when I was picked to ride with 70 year old grandmother Rebecca Lavrenz to the Federal Building in Denver, CO to turn herself in to the FBI.
Lavrenz went to the US Capitol on January 6 to pray. “I bring God with me wherever I go,” she said during the hour drive to Denver, “He told me to be there to pray.” She was on the east side of the Capitol building where Capitol Police notoriously, and inexplicably, ushered people inside the building. They were told to stay within the roped designated area. Lavrenz did stay within the designated area as she walked through and prayed, leaving within five minutes of entering.
That’s it. That’s the crime.
For walking through the Capitol building, permitted by police as if it were any other day, Lavrenz has been charged with four federal misdemeanor charges –almost two years after the alleged crimes took place:
The Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution reads:
“In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.”
A group of about thirty Coloradans gathered with Lavrenz, circled up and laid hands on her, and prayed. Then Vickie Tonkins, the amazing Chairwoman of the El Paso County GOP, began singing “This Little Light of Mine,” and all joined in. Everyone there realized that Rebecca’s current fire was divinely appointed. God told her to go in and pray, which means God foresaw this outcome and chose Rebecca Lavrenz to endure this trial. Whatever happens, He will be glorified.
The FBI agent called and told Lavrenz where to meet them and, “to come alone and get picked up in a black car.” Several retired military, federal law enforcement agents, and attorneys were among the group and all agreed that the agent’s directives were shady and outside normal process, so the group walked with Lavrenz to the meeting place.
At the meeting place, the agent called again. They were watching, and the crowd was “an officer safety issue.” She had to come alone or, “We won’t be able to do this today.” Clearly the FBI wanted to avoid exposure. The group walked with her again, but at a distance, then watched as a black sedan pulled up, followed by a black SUV.
They exchanged a few words and put Rebecca Lavrenz in the back of the black SUV. She is scheduled to be arraigned at 2PM today and released on her own recognizance. I will post updates on my Twitter, Truth, Telegram accounts during the proceedings.
It doesn’t matter that the FBI has been conducting this “investigation” for 15 months and only now is bringing charges for what, in essence, amounts to loitering.
It doesn’t matter that the treatment of Lavrenz case is a clear Sixth Amendment violation on the part of the US federal government.
It doesn’t matter that Lavrenz is a grandmother – her grandkids were there with her this morning – and that it’s a week before Christmas.
All that matters is that the uniparty cartel running this criminal government gets to propagate their false narrative about January 6.
But God is still on the throne.
I am one of the 10 women whose stories are woven through the new book release below, ASHLI,
by Jack Cashill.
I highly recommend taking this course Constitution Alive through Patriot Academy with Rick Green!
CELEBRATING and worshiping with Jennifer and neighbors, along with millions of people all over the nation this morning at 11:00 a.m. 11-11-2020, declaring JESUS IS LORD and we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD on the 400th year ANNIVERSARY of the landing of the Pilgrims and the signing of The MAYFLOWER COMPACT!! Our country began with a COVENANT with God to glorify Him and advance the Christian Faith. I encourage you to renew your commitment to that foundational Covenant of our country.
Find rest for your heart and peace in your soul by returning to God's Ancient Paths....Covenant is one of the them. Check out Craig Hill's teachings and seminars!
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